Jagger Adoption

Jagger Adoption

Our sweet boy Jagger was adopted Saturday! Jagger came to us from the Lancaster shelter back in January and it took a while for us to find his forever home with a young couple, Amber and James, and their dog Watson.

When I first meet Amber and James they were looking at another dog in our program, Benny Boy. Benny Boy was deaf, like their last dog, and they thought he would be the perfect companion for Watson, but after several introductions between the two dogs, we realized it was just not going to work. I mentioned that we had another dog, Jagger, that might be a better match and showed them his picture. They came up to meet him the next day and fell promptly in love, but would Watson?? As you can see from the picture below, the answer to that is a resounding YES!! The lesson here folks is, to be patient, take your time and when it’s right you’ll know it.

Jagger was lovingly fostered by Alex Swain who stepped up to foster while he was homebound during COVID. This was Alex’s first foster, let’s hope it’s not his last. Thank you, Alex!

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St