Teasley Adoption

Teasley Adoption

The call to find a foster home for a sweet little brown chihuahua waiting at the Balch Springs Shelter came in when Pat Rotundo and I were taking Greta on a home visit in Denton in December 2015. Trying to come with a unique name, we checked out street signs, billboards, etc, and she became Teasley, named for Teasley Drive in Denton. Pat raised a hand to foster little Teasley, and she was a tough one to let go… adorable and playful. She found a terrific forever home, however, where she will be the one and only dog for an applicant referred to RHS by our friends at K9 University.
Congrats to Pat and to Teasley (now known as Tess)!
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Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St