Maddie Rose Adoption

Maddie Rose Adoption

Maddie Rose, our big, beautiful, English Pointer went to her forever home. Maddie Rose came to us from the Rockwall shelter terribly afraid of strangers, and particularly men. After working with her for 6 months her foster had made great strides, but Maddie still was still horribly afraid of men, so when a young couple, Troy and Michaela, applied for her we were not optimistic, but they said they were up to the task (we were doubtful).

After several very slow introductions, and a month long trial basis, not only is Maddie (now Rosie) not afraid of Troy, but Michaela says she likes him best.

Thank you to Ann Wright for fostering, and special thanks to Nicole Kohanski, our resident dog whisperer and behaviorist, for helping us pull Maddie out of her shell.

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St