Binny & Cowboy Double Adoption

Binny & Cowboy Double Adoption

We had another special double adoption today – the last of Cozy’s pups, Binny and Cowboy, decided to stay together as permanent members of their foster pack!  Their foster mom, Amber, said they never intended to keep both pups (since she already has a young dog AND a teenager at home!) but they’re so bonded that she hated to separate them.
Yep, they really are litter mates although they look nothing alike.  Smooth-coated low-rider, Cowboy (now named Daniel) looks a lot like his brother, Cinnamon (adopted by Julie Summers) but Binny is fuzzy-faced and looks like a terrier!
Fostered by Julie Summers until they were weaned, the boys have been with Amber and her family since.
Congratulations for a great foster failure, Amber!

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