Donner Adoption

Donner Adoption

Donner came into the RHS program in mid December 2016 after being abandoned, then rescued, along with recently adopted Comet. Donner was fostered by David and Sheri Hodde and family, then by Roger and Laura Burke, who adopted him tonight. The Burkes have adopted from RHS twice before – Shayla in 2003 and Notorious C.A.T. (now known as Pumpkin) in 2016. Donner (now known as Drifter) and Pumpkin are great buddies and love playing together. The Burkes’ other cat, Inkling, has not quite made up her mind about welcoming a new dog into her home, but they are making progress. 🙂 Thanks to the Hodde family and the Burke family for fostering gentle and handsome Donner!
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Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St