Lamar McIntosh

Lamar McIntosh

We both were broken. I had just lost my Mother when he came into my life. He had one front leg that was shorter then his other legs and that paw was malformed. His first family told his rescuers to take him because he couldn’t keep up with their other dogs. How sad. A trip to the vet made the tale of this little guy even more sad, His shorter leg was due to it being broken (probably kicked) and never set. He was very scared  and would lash out/ bite easily. A nice woman was found to adopt him, she said that she understood, she said that she would work with him. I worried about him. I should’ve made him a foster failure… within 2 months he was back and he wasn’t going anywhere. We worked on healing each other, he knew that I needed him. I could see it in his eyes. Every hug, every walk, each day together helped us both to heal. Helped us to focus our energy on something besides the pain. I will miss him every single day. Thank you, Mar. I Love you.
Chris McIntosh

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St