Rainbow Bridge

Koko Haynes

Koko Haynes crossed the Bridge on Monday.  He wasn’t doing well and getting worse he lost balance sometimes when walking.  This was so hard after having him almost 14 years;

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Zoey’s puppy, Sam, passed away earlier this afternoon from a congenital heart defect.  He had an appointment with a specialist coming up but it was just too late and his little heart

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Sadly, little Eric lost his short battle with megaesophagus today.  He was a sweet, cuddly little angel and a fighter.  We tried our best, and so did Eric. Thank you

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Sweet kitten, Tux, passed away from a serious illness today.  One of the 11 kittens/cats rescued in a single week in May, Tux was fostered by Randy and Nancy Thomas.    

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San Francisco, CA 94102, US
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