Demo Adoption

Demo Adoption

Demo was adopted today! He joins an active family with two kids to play with; they think he is perfect (and we, of course, agree wholeheartedly!). The Birkett family adopted from RHS many years ago and when their dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a long and happy life, they decided they needed another shepherd breed in their lives. They saw Demo on-line and came to meet him at the Golf Tournament. It was decided that a temporary fostering situation would be a good idea to make sure everything fit correctly; it did, and they made Demo (now known as Buddy) a part of their family.

Thanks to the Velvet Snout for caring for Demo/Buddy when he needed a place to stay and to Holly Twitchell for being his advocate/walking partner/chauffeur.

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St