Patrick Adoption

Patrick Adoption

Patrick was adopted this morning at the park pavilion where we hold reunions, in the middle of a torrential downpour! We chose to hold the adoption outdoors to keep with quarantine restrictions and luckily the pavilion was available to shelter under! Sorry for the terrible photo; it was kind of dark under the pavilion but no one wanted to pose outside!

Patrick joins a lively family with two parents, a young daughter, 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs! His new parents work from home so he’ll get all the guidance and love he needs to grow into the amazing pup we know he’ll be. His new name will be Oslo, or Ozzie for short.

As it turns out, Patrick’s new mom went to school with Oslo/Patrick’s foster dad, Nik. Naomy didn’t mention the family’s name to Nik until they were on their way to the home visit; Nik remembered he’d known someone by that name and looked her up on Facebook. Sure enough, it was the same person!

Rescued from the Red Oak Shelter along with his siblings, Bailey and Connor, Patrick was fostered by Nik Harlow, Naomy Jones and their dogs Izzy, Ben and Grant.

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St