Sarah Squee Bearman

Sarah Squee Bearman

From her mom, Karen:

Our little Sarah Squee has left us after over 16 years. She was always incredibly cute and sweet. She was a Richardson Humane Society foster fail – she was brought to the Dallas shelter with a badly broken leg. It had been broken too long to be repaired, so she spent her life as a tripod. That never slowed her down! Dogs just get on with life and don’t dwell on what they don’t have.
As cute as she was, our girl was not bright. Oh well, you can’t have everything. And man, she LIVED for food. At any meal, she would sit at our feet and chirp.
She slept next to Chris every night, and Sam never knew our family without Sarah in it. As tough as this is for me, it’s even harder for them. She was the last of the fabulous 4 that Chris and I adopted in our first years of marriage.
We were all there with her at the end, and she knew she was very loved.

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