Tate Wigle

Tate Wigle

From his mom ,Lesley:

Our sweet Tate passed over the rainbow bridge.  It has been extremely hard for our family.  Even though we had Cooper longer the kids were so young that they don’t really remember him and they can’t remember a time that we didn’t have Tate so it has been so hard on them.  Thank you so much for brining him into our lives and allowing him to be a part of our family.  He brought so much happiness and everything in our lives seemed to revolve around him.  It’s difficult to have a meal without putting him in his “room” (crate) so he won’t try to steal our food (and listen to his sad whines like he had been in there for days), it’s hard to walk by the small couch where ha napped the first part of the day and not seem him there or the back of the big couch where he took his afternoon naps.  Sleeping isn’t the same without having to share my pillow with him.  I’ve heard the term “soul pet” and Tate was, without a doubt, my soul dog.  We feel blessed to have loved him and miss him every day.

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